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Holly Cassidy, Miss New Zealand 2013 Biography (Miss Universe)

Holly Cassidy, Miss New Zealand 2013 Biography (Miss Universe)

Hometown: Auckland

Height: 5\' 7"

Age: 22

Holly Cassidy has been studying dance for eight years, trained in classical, jazz and contemporary genres. She enjoys playing the ukelele, painting and athletics, including running, gymnastics and swimming. Holly was born in Auckland, New Zealand, but moved to the Gold Coast in Australia for a short time when she was 6 years old.

In her own words: "I am determined to enjoy every aspect of this journey"

Fun Facts:

1.Holly almost crashed her father\'s Ferrari when she was just 13 years old.

2.Holly is a descendant of the 18th Century Maori Princess Te Poia.

3.Holly has run four marathons in her lifetime.